The Energy Bus and its meaning to Elman Print
Have you ever read a self-improvement book? Did you finish the book? Apply it to your daily life? I am going to tell you a little bit about a book we keep on the front of our minds here at Elman Print.
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon. This book takes you on a journey with a man named George and his unlikely friend Joy the bus driver. During the book, we are introduced to “10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy”. It is a tradition we have here at Elman that each new employee reads this book. We form a small book club to discuss the book as employees read weekly sections (Fun Fact: Mark reads this book for every single Book Club and always finds something new to apply). Our own Energy Bus banner is hanging on our production floor as a reminder.
We take pride in having a team atmosphere and positive attitudes. The culture we have created here at Elman shows in the quality of our work. “Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence.” – Vince Lombardi
Our team understands the old saying ‘teamwork makes the dream work’. As a result, together we are able to provide the highest quality print while meeting timelines with positive attitude. This is a habit for our team; as the book mentions, the more you use it the stronger it gets. We are here to say it is true! The more we provide high quality work on quick timelines, the higher our standards become. Therefore, high quality work is our habit here and will never settle for less than the best.
We encourage anyone looking for a change in energy at work or home to grab this book and give it a read! Maybe you will find a few rules to apply to your own situation.